Preschool Childcare
" Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning" Mr. Rogers.
Our Pre-School environment is carefully designed to allow children to experience rich learning opportunities in all 7 areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Our Pre-School Curriculum is planned around children's individual interests by our highly qualified Early Years Educators with emphasis on independence, social and personal skills.
Numbers, writing and letter formation is practised daily and we encourage our children to develop a love of reading through stories, songs and rhymes.
We encourage our children to take risks and we educate them on important topics such as good oral health. We also offer a variety of extra curricular activities including our weekly swimming programme, reading programme where children take a book home weekly to read and explore with their families to enhance each child’s development, and Nature tots where we explore and learn outdoors with a qualified teacher.
We provide strong school readiness support for our children with their all important transition to school and to ensure they have all the skills, knowledge and foundations they need for success in the future.
Preschool Routine
Your Trusted Child Care Provider